اثر روانی دیابت بر نوزادان
دیابت بر روی رابطه والد و فرزند اثر عمیقی دارد. برای مراقبت از نوزادان مبتلا به دیابت نیاز به تدابیر پزشکی و روانی خاصی داریم و مشاوره های مناسبی در این گونه موارد باید به والدین داده شود تا اینکه آنها بتوانند به درستی با این بیماری مواجه شوند و به خودشان و فرزندان شان کمک کنند
Diabetes diagnosed during infancy has a profound effect on the parent±child
relationship. For the ®rst 2 years oflife, the central psychological task is the
establishment ofa mutually strong and trusting emotional attachment
between the infant and the primary caregivers12;13. The infant's psychologi-
cal well-being depends on the predictable presence ofan adult who meets
the infant's physical needs, provides a stable environment, and responds to
his=her social advances.
Because type 1 diabetes is relatively rare in infants and toddlers, and
symptoms may vary from those commonly seen, young children with
diabetes are often misdiagnosed initially14. The child may present with
acute vomiting and marked dehydration, which is often attributed to
gastroenteritis The diagnosis oftype 1 diabetes in infants is often delayed
because it is more dif®cult for parents to detect classic symptoms of diabetes,
2 Psychology in Diabetes Care
such as frequent urination, which would signal the need to seek medical
attention. Due to such delays and misdiagnoses at diagnosis, infants and
toddlers are more likely than older children to be in diabetic ketoacidosis
(DKA) and require hospitalization in an intensive care unit. When hospita-
lized, infants endure disruptions of expected home routines and are often
subjected to invasive medical procedures. Once home, the `trusted' care-
givers are required to give injections and perform painful ®ngersticks on
infants who lack the cognitive ability to understand that the procedures are
bene®cial15. Therefore, the diagnosis of diabetes may threaten the infant's
development ofa trusting relationship with caregivers. In a qualitative study
by Hatton and colleagues16, mothers ofinfants and toddlers with diabetes
reported feeling a diminished bond with their children and a loss of the ideal
mother±child relationship.