مقالات تخصصی پزشکی

ترجمه مقاله تخصصی پزشک

مقالات تخصصی پزشکی

ترجمه مقاله تخصصی پزشک

پزشکی جامع و سلامت عمومی - خلاصه ای از مقالات اجلاس سال 2009

پزشکی جامع هدفی است که پزشکان زیادی در سراسر دنیا ان را دنبال می کنند در این پست  مقدمه کتابی که از مقالات اجلاس سال 2009 در مورد این موضوع برگزار شده است را به شما علاقمندان به مباحث علم پزشکی عرضه می کنیم باشد که مورد توجه شما دوستان قرار بگیرد.و شاهد رشد روز افزون استفاده از پزشکی جامع در ایران عزیزمان باشیم

Health is a personal matter, as is the way each of us chooses to inte-
grate concerns about health into our lives. Like a Rorschach blot, the no-
tion of integrative medicine, or integrative health, means different things
to different people. As an approach to enhancing health, integrative
health seeks to combine the best scientific and evidence-based ap-
proaches to care with a focus on the full range of needs of the individual.
Integrative medicine seeks to enable everyone to maintain their health
insofar as possible, and to be empowered in partnering with health care
providers when illness occurs. With this approach, patients can be more
effective stewards of their own health and wellness.
This publication, Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public:
A Summary of the 2009 Summit, provides an account of the discussion
and presentations of the two-and-a-half day summit in Washington, DC,
held February 25–27, 2009. While this summary captures the discussion,
it cannot adequately convey the energy and enthusiasm of the partici-
pants who filled the auditorium throughout the event. The Institute of
Medicine (IOM) was honored to host such a large and diverse group to
discuss such a timely topic, especially at such a critical time in American
health care policy making.
Under the direction of Ralph Snyderman, the summit planning com-
mittee assembled an outstanding group of speakers and discussants who
provided valuable insights on the potential and limitations of integrative
health care, models that might be most conducive to its delivery, the mul-
tiple dimensions of scientific endeavor that intersect as its support base,
and possible economic implications and incentives. Participants had an
exceptional opportunity to examine the role and value of integrative
 medicine in meeting health needs and overcoming fragmentation in the
health care delivery system. 
The summit discussions were fruitful and collaborative, and I believe
that every participant came away from the meeting having learned some-
thing each did not know before. It is my hope that this publication will
advance thoughtful consideration of integrative medicine and extend the
enthusiasm that was ignited at the summit.
I would like to thank the Bravewell Collaborative for their spirit of
partnership and support of this activity, Ralph Snyderman for his leader-
ship and guidance, the planning committee for their commitment and
wisdom, and the IOM staff for their hard work and dedication.